Deluxe copies of some of the best language courses ever written.

Reviving, recovering and bettering some of the best language learning books ever written!


You are dedicated to learn your target language with comprehensible input? Don't think twice, just pick up your collection.

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Languages Through Pictures

The "Through Pictures" series is designed to teach language through a visual approach with texts that are self-interpretive. The books use illustrations and images to help learners associate vocabulary and phrases with visual cues, aiming to enhance the learning experience through a more immersive and memorable process. Each book in the series is tailored to a specific language, such as French or English, and typically includes thematic lessons accompanied by corresponding pictures to aid in language acquisition.

Linguaphone Courses

Older generation linguaphone language learning sets.

Latin Library

Hardcover copies of some of the best Latin language learning books from Comenius to Adler.

Most Recent Books

The latest members of our library.

What is Nature Method?

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  • Audio

    High-quality audio recordings of all the books here are available on Ayan Academy YouTube channel and Patreon.

  • Handmade

    Upon your order we start preparing your books manually. It gives us an ability to focus more on quality and adapt to the needs and taste of our customers.

  • Library

    Every book you buy from us helps us extend our library of comprehensible input with more Nature Method books for as many languages as possible.